This year in the Northern Hemisphere, we are experiencing a different kind of spring. We usually use the time to renew relationships at industry meetings and spend more time outdoors with friends and family.
We are optimistic that healthcare systems throughout the world will be successful as we join together to battle the Covid-19 pandemic. Many of you are adjusting to the new (and hopefully temporary) reality of working from home. Our researchers have always worked from our home offices and are available to help you and your organization. We continue to update our databases and have shifted our current focus from live meetings to virtual meetings. Technology not only screens out computer viruses, but helps keep us all safe.
The Better Health Worldwide (BH-WW) team and our partners have been working to renew and refresh the BH-WW website. A lot has happened so far and the journey continues. Throughout 2019 we focused on a variety of projects and worked with our clients to begin disseminating our findings to strengthen the value propositions for the products we support. After a series of abstract acceptances, like many of you, we have had to revise our plans as the various congresses have been forced to cancel or reschedule.
So, for the immediate future, please be safe, continue social distancing, hunker-down, wash your hands and let us explore together how our team can help your team meet their evolving set of challenges. Click here to send me an email!
The team at Better Health Worldwide wishes you, your family, and our countries Better Health.