The Rarity of Rare Diseases

The Better Health Worldwide (BH-WW) team is increasingly working with clients on “Rare Diseases.”  We’ve often been asked “how rare is rare?”  Depending upon the definition used, there may be 7,000 or more rare diseases. The US’ National Institute of Health defines a...

A Late Spring

As we transition into summer, many things that began to emerge during the spring take shape.  This is especially true for the Better Health Worldwide (BH-WW) team and our new website. Like many gardeners, we began planning for this new website during the winter...

Did the Meeting Really Happen?

During April and May, the Better Health Worldwide (BH-WW) team is usually on the road or planning for upcoming travel to share our research.  We generally fill our calendar based on our presentations, meeting with existing customers and building relationships with new...

Spring is in the Air—and what else?

This year in the Northern Hemisphere, we are experiencing a different kind of spring. We usually use the time to renew relationships at industry meetings and spend more time outdoors with friends and family. We are optimistic that healthcare systems throughout the...